30-Year Fixed
|30 Year Fixed Mortgage Rates in 2021

For all the things one could say about 2020, it certainly was a profound year for homeownership. 30-year fixed mortgage rates went from low, to historically low, to lower- than-we-thought-possible low. If you didn’t make any moves in 2020, don’t worry, you didn’t miss the train to homeownership town. Two major opportunities await in 2021.
Can I still find incredible 30 Year fixed mortgage rates?
You bet. The first opportunity is provided to you directly by United Home Loans. Our commitment to providing the best possible rates is on a whole ‘nother level this year. What do you get when you place UHL’s low rates on top of already all-time-low interest rates? The ultimate result we will leave up to you.
The second opportunity was delivered in a pleasantly surprising announcement from the Feds. The national conforming loan limit has been raised by almost $40,000. Not sure what that means? Keep reading.
Current Rates Served (multiple) Times Daily
“Now you’re telling me, you have the best rates? Prove it.” Sure, no problem. Without naming names, we will share our cross-check of 30-year fixed mortgage rates against America’s largest lender.
It is worth pointing out that clicking through a million buttons and forms in order to see the latest rates is not necessary on our site. Neither do you need to scroll through disclaimers to find out how many points are included in the quoted rate. Because the answer is -0- Points. And it says so. Like, right there. Right next to the rate. Hashtag nothingtohide.
The Sky… well, actually $548,250… is the Limit
Loan amounts above the conforming loan limit are considered a Jumbo Loan and do not qualify for conventional loan rates. [This number represents the limit in most places but the limit is, however, decided county by county.] During any other year, the announcement of a higher limit would be exciting-ish news. This year? Sensational.
Why the party hats and noisemakers about some dollar amount, you ask? Jumbo Loan rates trended between 0.25% and 1.00% higher than conventional rates all through 2020. If you can borrow more money at conventional rates, you can hypothetically afford more. Your monthly payment is lower. And you get that en suite you always wanted.
2021, Let’s Do This
If you didn’t buy a home in 2020 you are on deck to score big this year. To recap: Low 30 year mortgage rates mean lower monthly payments. Higher conforming loan limits means more house for less money. Got it? Alright, let’s do this.